Monday, October 29, 2012

How to Increase your site's Traffic easily

Hey Bloggers! How has it been? Tough or Easy?

I want to really believe it's a mixture of both.

Today, let's talk about How to Increase your Pageviews which can automatically increase the number of clicks. But mind you- it may not increase your clicks.

Now to the main business, let me make it straight forward- Traffic flows from
>Forums- , , , , , etc..,
>Social media Networks e.g. , , , google plus etc,
>Questions and answer sites e.g.,
>Directories- ,
>Url submission to Search engines like
>Commentluv backlink commenting on blogs related to your niche and of high Page Rank- e.g. Nigerian - , , , internet marketing- , etc
>Article directories like , etc.,
>Youtube videos,
>Email campaigns,
>Paid to click sites etc..

Get serious with those stuffs and you'll probably notice a 200 percent increase in traffic to your blog.
You can get more about Traffic @ . That's one of those of my start up blogs when I started blogging..

Before I go on, which niche are you- what are you blogging about? That determines how traffic flows to your site too. A blog tied with a popular stuff like ArsenalFans, mp3news, Obama, University of Lagos etc, like my will easily get attention cos of the already popular brand involved.

So as not to make it too long, let me pause here and we'll continue later on....

From your Guy,

Friday, October 26, 2012

How to post to your blogspot blog using mobile phone through email

Is it possible?
Yes! It is. In fact, that's what I'm using to get this post on this blog .

Before, when google was still liberal with most browsers' interface- it was quite easy to Post to your blog on the Blogger blogspot platform via mobile using browsers like Opera mini, Ucweb, and bolt. But since bolt went off the reach of masses and Google started removing its support from a lot of browsers, especially old versions of Mozilla, internet explorer and others and on mobile- the browsers that come with a normal Java phone which most people use- Opera mini series. Now Google tries to get everyone to download Chrome, join googleplus, and get a account. And as a blogger, you're expected to also have adsense, adwords, analytics, apps, and webmasters account, and to make posting of media easy for you- you'll need Picasa and Youtube accounts as well and the favourite place to be is in google groups while playing on google play, buying on googletrader, and searching on the Almighty Google Search Engine! Isn't this a monopoly of the Internet
world?. But, it's a good thing because all these Google products are good stuffs as google usually maintains best practices with all it's product. That's why I love Google! Very soon, I'll bring the justle and hustle between Google and Facebook to your full notice. It has been on now for about a year and I remember vividly that it has always been a source of disagreement between an online Marketing Colleague and I. And- I support Google!

Sorry for all those Googlers' ranting. Let's go back to what brought us here in the first place- remember- I'm posting this post via mobile by sending an email to post on my blog and I'm here to help you learn how to do just the same. So let's move on.

Posting is the main soul of your blog- a blog without reasonable posts is a dead blog! But there are some issues that hinder posting and those are the Issues I'm currently trashing. Like just of recent- I told you how to overcome the writers block and rally out ideas for posts on your blog. And today, it's about how you can post to your blog simply via that simple java phones that's got just any browser either supported or not by Google blogger interface.

Now the deal, it's simple. Blogger did a good thing by allowing email to post function. It's out there at the settings area.
1. Just log into your dashboard,
2. click on the blog that you want to enable the function on.
3. Click on Settings.
4. Under settings, you'll see mobile and email, click on it.
5. There'll be an option for you type in your secret word in a space between your email first part and like this johnwalker.[secret word] . You can now type in an easy to remember secret word into the space- make sure the secret word is short like 4 characters is enough. E.g.

6. Now, save it and you can now set it to either post automatically when you send an email to that new address or leave in the draft for you to make corrections on later.
7. Go to your email box, add that your new email as a new contact with the name of the blog- for example My Health blog.

And yippy! You can now make your post by composing an email with the subject as the Topic of the post and the body as the full post itself. You're also allowed to upload pictures and other attachments on it. Just check the full functionality on .

Thank you!
Please don't forget to share to fellow bloggers and friends who you think will be interested.

To Our Success as Bloggers!

Some things I've learnt in Life

During my few years on Earth, I've learnt some lessons which you might or might not have learnt. But I believe you'll benefit from it all the same. Even Psychologists confirms that the brain accepts what it listens to over and over again as Truth and Acts on it.
The stuffs below are my own personal beliefs- and I don't intend you to make believe me or not. All I want is to let you know. As someone rightly said- You're entitled to your own beliefs but not your own Set of Facts. Facts are general, Beliefs are personal.

Now let's go.

1. I've learnt to let things work out themselves after I've tried my best. Life is a hard knocker- but also it makes it own arrangements too. Or haven't you wondered why somethings would not work when you struggle for them- but when you just ignore them, things just seem to work together to make it happen. Take for example- there was a guy who while working in a reputable company wanted to build a house. He had all the necessary financial capability and time to do it but it just seem to slip by his hands, in fact, he bought a piece of land only for it to be taken over by the government. Then one thing led to another and he had to secure a job somewhere else with lower pay. But at his new working place, he joined a Thrift society and by the time He was to reap his share, a friend just brought an offer to buy a semi completed building to him and that was it- now he's a landlord.
So, when you're kicking at a door expecting it to open and it refuses- leave it alone, relax,- it might be Timed. What shall be Shall be.

2. There's a reason for everything but you don't have give a reason for everything.
Mistakes are meant to be made for growth not so that they can be placed as blame on others. Learn from your mistakes. Reasonable people don't give Reasons, they Simply Reason and learn to move forward while learning from the past.
Also, when good or bad things happen, you don't have to know why- you only need to keep doing what you're doing right, improve what you're not doing enough and quit what you're doing wrongly.

3. Nobody, Nothing is Indispensable! The indispensability theory is a big lie! Don't ever feel too important to ignore some people or places because you think if you're not there things won't work. It's a lie! I've been there and I left. I've been involved in organisations where I rose to high profile and held important positions and Because of that I thought if I'm not around things won't work. I discovered that everyone is on the look out for only themselves and Not the Number one! Everyone wants to be a number one, so why look out for another while you can concentrate on being one? So, even if you're the current Champion- you'll soon be history and the Barrack outlives the Soldier. One Leader that recognises this important fact is Mandela of South Africa- one of the best Presidents in Africa ever and he left office for others to do it. But look at Gaddafi of Libya, thinking he was the only one that can do it led to his shameful and tragedic death.

4. Change is the only constant thing in Life, aim always to change. Be contented with what you have while working for what you want- remember, a happy life is yours only when your mind is free of worries and troubles. Don't saddle up yourself with trivial stuffs. Not everything that matters Matters! Not all that glitter are gold. It may seem as if but it won't always be. Seek the more important Things first and then prioritize. Setting priority comes only after the Most important stuffs are outlined. Don't always stick to a plan- always plan to develop new plans as you go. The best of people are those who know exactly what they want and forge straight ahead to take the bull by the horn. If Life gives you Shit- use it as manure! Don't ignore anyone, you don't know who might be useful for what, when or where.

More to come from me. I just hope you come back for more

More so, endeavour to share to your friends.
Plus, let us know what you think below in the comments

Overcoming Writers' Block with Topic Ideas for a Blogger in the Technology Niche.

If you're a blogger- especially one without full access to a working internet connection, you might have found out that there are just sometimes that you have a lot of ideas to write on but no connection to upload them- that's saddening, but another side that is even more devastating is when you finally get a full access but with limited time and you just experience what we call- WRITERS BLOCK. It's so so painful- it just seems like your brain goes blank! Even though you had ideas- many a times they'll all just refuse to make sense to your writing Pen. If that's your case then try the methods below and you'll be amazed with the results!
The reason why I'm writing this is because I've experienced it too and I know how it feels. You can check out my other currently non functioning blogs- which are so due to "NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT" But I went out to research about it and I found the lasting solutions to it and here I'm giving you in economised details- if you want the full details- send your name, url of your blog- (if you have one) and the niche to my email- . With that, I'll be able to explain to you how to overcome it in your own situation and even generate at least 10 topics for you to write on with traffic pulling keywords to your blog. But Mind you- it's not fully free, considering the fact that you're not willing to spend much- I'll make it cheap for you. But feast on the Tech niche sample below and then tell me what you think.

<b><h4>Ways to overcome Writers' block. </h4></b>

1. Write down those Ideas when they come!

Yeah, write them down. There are times when something like a spirit of Ideas will just come over you- write them down as they come, don't just enjoy the temporary euphoria. Then you can refer to them later on. Get more on how to bring that Spirit down and how to jot effectively when you request for the book.

2. Read more, Write More!

When you read related blogs and articles in your niche, you get more ideas on what to write on. Where to get what you need to read and how to develop points from them- comes up in the book.

3. Think like a reader, Write like a Blogger.

This is where the main work is. The problem of bloggers is that we don't visualise our blog as something to read- we see it as a place to write- so we have problems because we're not thinking- what do I want to read on a blog like mine? If you can do just that- you'll find out a lot of stuffs to write about because you've gotten more you want to Read!

The rest of the points will be shared in the book. But just before I leave you to decide- let me share the following topics to write on in a Tech Blog niche.


10 ways to use your flash drive properly.

Trouble shooting a desktop computer.

The latest Ipad and it's features.

Why I love HP products and why you should too.

Why the blackberry may not be the best option for you.

Blogger in Draft, the Pros and Cons.

Simple Wordpress Errors and their solutions.

How to choose a niche before you start your new blog.

10 forums you should visit often and why.

Before you buy that fairly used laptop- features to consider and how to check.

The fight between Google and Facebook, who do you support?

How to use your Yahoo! to maximum benefit.

Want to translate that document Fast? How to do it.

How to get traffic from Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

10 compulsory tools for a Blogger- why and where to get them.
( )
Blogger Widgets you're ignoring that could bring you more traffic.

How to repair your Electronic appliances yourself.

10 reasons why you need to upgrade your laptop's Internal memory and how.

Nice Applications to use for Photo editing and where to download them.

Why I prefer X antivirus software to Y and why.

And many more like that.

That book is yours with only an email away!

Topic Ideas for a Blogger in the Technology Niche.

If you're a blogger- especially one without full access to a working internet connection, you might have found out that there are just sometimes that you have a lot of ideas to write on but no connection to upload them- that's saddening, but another side that is even more devastating is when you finally get a full access but with limited time and you just experience what we call- WRITERS BLOCK. It's so so painful- it just seems like your brain goes blank! Even though you had ideas- many a times they'll all just refuse to make sense to your writing Pen. If that's your case then try the methods below and you'll be amazed with the results!
The reason why I'm writing this is because I've experienced it too and I know how it feels. You can check out my other currently non functioning blogs- which are so due to "NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT" But I went out to research about it and I found the lasting solutions to it and here I'm giving you in economised details- if you want the full details- send your name, url of your blog- (if you have one) and the niche to my email- . With that, I'll be able to explain to you how to overcome it in your own situation and even generate at least 10 topics for you to write on with traffic pulling keywords to your blog. But Mind you- it's not fully free, considering the fact that you're not willing to spend much- I'll make it cheap for you. But feast on the Tech niche sample below and then tell me what you think.

<b><h4>Ways to overcome Writers' block. </h4></b>

1. Write down those Ideas when they come!

Yeah, write them down. There are times when something like a spirit of Ideas will just come over you- write them down as they come, don't just enjoy the temporary euphoria. Then you can refer to them later on. Get more on how to bring that Spirit down and how to jot effectively when you request for the book.

2. Read more, Write More!

When you read related blogs and articles in your niche, you get more ideas on what to write on. Where to get what you need to read and how to develop points from them- comes up in the book.

3. Think like a reader, Write like a Blogger.

This is where the main work is. The problem of bloggers is that we don't visualise our blog as something to read- we see it as a place to write- so we have problems because we're not thinking- what do I want to read on a blog like mine? If you can do just that- you'll find out a lot of stuffs to write about because you've gotten more you want to Read!

The rest of the points will be shared in the book. But just before I leave you to decide- let me share the following topics to write on in a Tech Blog niche.


10 ways to use your flash drive properly.

Trouble shooting a desktop computer.

The latest Ipad and it's features.

Why I love HP products and why you should too.

Why the blackberry may not be the best option for you.

Blogger in Draft, the Pros and Cons.

Simple Wordpress Errors and their solutions.

How to choose a niche before you start your new blog.

10 forums you should visit often and why.

Before you buy that fairly used laptop- features to consider and how to check.

The fight between Google and Facebook, who do you support?

How to use your Yahoo! to maximum benefit.

Want to translate that document Fast? How to do it.

How to get traffic from Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

10 compulsory tools for a Blogger- why and where to get them.
( )
Blogger Widgets you're ignoring that could bring you more traffic.

How to repair your Electronic appliances yourself.

10 reasons why you need to upgrade your laptop's Internal memory and how.

Nice Applications to use for Photo editing and where to download them.

Why I prefer X antivirus software to Y and why.

And many more like that.

That book is yours with only an email away!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blogging for Cash- Health Niche

Blogging for cash.
One main niche most bloggers readily go for to make cash is.....
Health Niche!

Guys are making money in this area. You can check warriorforum to confirm. But I'll advise you- your traffic should not be mainly from African side o. Na those Americans you go target with keywords such as
-Weight loss,
health tips,
body building,
sexual health,
skin diseases,
health insurance, surgical operation,
giving birth,
pregnancy pills etc.

It's time to make some cash!

But don't say I didn't tell you- this niche requires maximum Research.,.,., and advertisement to the Right sides. But the returns are good. You can easily find good affiliate products for it on, amazon, and others. Even the pay per click on Adsense makes Sense!

Off to create a new health blog!
Watch me do it or join me!

You can check it out here-

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I need money man! Fast!

O yeah men!
I need cash, I mean cool cash! And it's not as if I don't know how to, but it just seems like money is not flowing yet but I need Money Now!

Do you make money anyhow as a student or you're in business? Please share your ways of making money in the comments. I'd like to try them out fast!

Some ways by which I could make money are
1. Bulk sms stuff- helping people to send bulk customised messages. All I need is clients! But most people already know how to do it themselves for very cheap prices- and that's bad business. So it's not working for me now as before.

2. Sales Referral- this is a good way to make money anyhow anywhere! It's simple- direct a seller to a buyer and get paid as the middleman. Is that not simple enough? Yeah, but where do you get the buyers and the sellers? Some affilate programs exists online but many a times, my Country Nigeria- which I'm proud of actually- has been blacklisted on most of the best like , but is still working, but bro I've gat no laptop or desktop computer to get real serious with it! Can you give me your used one for free, then tell me- I'll be glad to get it! Just send an email to my box and I'll simply send my details to you. I've learnt about this business of referrals but I've only been able to refer few offline as I'm busy and I don't chat too much with my colleagues- which I'll start this semester- yeah- to make me some cool cash! Yuppy!
That of online is so easy- but Nigerians don't usually buy goods online so to make money here, I'll have to sell to non African continental dudes and babes- Which I'll figure out soon- I'll start joining chatrooms to get them as friends and know what they want. O yeah- for cool cash! Hello Benjamin!

3. Monetised Blogging- Yes man! I'm a blogger and I'm proud to be one! But seems like I've not gotten the adsense code yet. But I'll start monetising through other means- just let my blog brand be strong enough- when I say strong- I mean when I hit 50 posts! Shalalalala! Wondering how- I'll add Amazon products, join paid to post programs, sell advert spaces, add affiliate links and get more traffic for all of them- what of content? Oh, worry not about that! It's all settled- this is a junk Page for Oyedele remember?

4. Buying and Selling- this is so explanatory on it own- but let me tell you how I'll know what to sell and where to get them. Many guys in my country like nice computers and accessories- and also mobile stuffs- I'll get them from for cheap prices after communicating with my sellers, paying with my card and getting it shipped free most times to my place directly then I'll sell stuffs like MP3, memory cards, headphones, laptop notebooks, desktops, flashdrives, etc. Hope you get the gist?
But I need money for this too and you can help out- just contact me for a Joint Venture business! You'd be glad you did.

5. Selling hand-outs- this won't probably work in my university but come, it might work in yours! Type out and print well explained and highly researched popular courses' topics like Organic Chemistry in Chemistry. I'm an Industrial Chemist and I'm gonna start blogging on my line with my notes! Hehehe! No copyrights man! This is a !

6. Web designs- Yeah man, I could design some websites for you if you want. Especially if you need a blog! I own and personally designed so trust me. Even though I might be an amateur but I'll be giving such a good job for such a cheap price- like design a blog for $15! Come on, you know that's cheap! Just tell me if you need one.

7. I'm gonna learn more! And that's the only true way to CONTINUE making cash. I want to learn some new stuff- like I'm already learning Photography now, I want to learn Graphics design, seems like it pulls cashcart too!

And I'll tell you the rest later- My fingers are telling me to rest from from Nokia C1-01 keypad. Yeah, I'm blogging on phone through Opera mini! Like to do same? Let me teach you- next time!

Chocolate related to Love Feelings?

O yes!
Chocolate- that brown coloured sweet bar that you love roaming your tongue with, that sparkling rounded bar that makes you feel tingly is actually related to love feelings!

I just found that out now from a confirmed source but I'm not gonna spoil you Lover, I'm gonna ask you to please go straight to google and type in your query (^_^).

That doesn't mean that I've never thought of that before! I've actually been a lover of Chocolates too. It's such an easy food for all dumbasses like one of my friends who got me addicted to it- yeah, I have to admit it- even though I'm not too sure of anything called "chocolate addiction", but now I can't get myself to sleep without a bar of chocolates! Hiups!

But come on boy, who can resist the taste of Chocolate- it's smell alone is so so Inviting and it drives a lot of people crazy. Plus- it gives energy fast as it contains Glucose- I'm not too sure of that actually, but it's sweet man!

So, now how does this info benefit you now-

it actually does in two ways-
1. You can now easily induce a Love Feeling into that Guy or Girl that you want just by offering a single Bar of Chocolate! And it lasts I tell you- this cheap Love Potion lasts!

2. You now know that you need to be careful about from whom and where you take chocolates! Lolp. You don't know if such a person have come across this post before! Ha ah! Yummy!

Now that you know, get me a bar of Chocolates and I'm in Love with You! Yummy!

How do you ask a girl who has been your friend out?

It's serious o!
A brother needs your help o, please to all guys and girls, how do you ask out a girl with whom you've been friends with for about 2 good years? How do you do it without hurting her feelings, or making a fool of yourself?

let me explain further.
I've known this girl for about 2 years now. We met through a friend when we resumed our first year in the University. Since then we've been friends, we see in class, we chat on phone and advice each other.
But of late, I've been developing feelings for her and I don't know how to break it out to her that I want our relationship to extend a bit longer than just platonic friendship, I want her to be mine!

Please advice me and help me please! My main questions really are- where do I tell, when should it be and how do I start and end it in such a way that she'll fall in Love with me. I don't know if she has been before now. So please comment below to help.

By- A friend in School.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

To my fellow bloggers

Good morning bloggers. I noticed a trend which is not too good- most bloggers from Nigeria either belong to the News and Entertainment niche or the Tech, make money online niche.

That's not the best brothers and Sisters! Check adwords for bids on Tech niche and you'll find it so low, and that means you get little with your efforts. Moreover- many a times, the same content that has been in circulation all these years get reproduced on most of those blogs all in the name of CONTENT.

I know it's not easy venturing into a new niche but let me give some tips on how to get a niche to go into. (these are my own plan for this month ni o)

1. Many of us are students or graduates- what did you study in school? Start a blog on it and you'll be regarded as a Professional! It'll be easy if you've been a good student. Your notes will do a lot for the content! And adsense for that area can be quite sensible.

2. Also, research! When you research, you get new ideas to blog on. Many niches are out there that are practically unfilled unlike those niche we do venture into. We need to smarten us! Look at for such- for example, one of the big adsense earners is . And it's all about dog! Why not go into something like How To kill your Rats! Lolp. But seriously Nigerians are smarter than what we are doing with Blogging. Let's do more for our Nation's reputation! We can bring out totally new niches! It's not everytime that all bloggers must make a little problem become too big like that of the subsidy issue- now after bloggers and news men made it big- it was STILL later removed and Nigerians are now quiet about it. Another example is that of Davido's parole with the Taxi driver- what came up after that? And bloggers made it seem like a huge mountain all because of CONTENT- TRAFFIC. It's not good enough brothers- let's change.

3. And lastly, Blogging is not the only Occupation online! There are a lot of services you can render out there and get paid better than what adsense offers. Look at Akin Alabi, the Guru. He's now into Sports Betting. And I can tell you that his blog is not what's supporting him for now- it's the Nairabet! Such initiatives are not far fetched from Nigerians! Bring it out! It's in you!

Now, which niches can you venture into? Let's hear you in the comments!